1 hour of sport daily

I do not have goals I have rules 🙂 One of my personal rules is having at least 1 hour of physical activity during the day. I usually start in the morning with yoga and mediation. During the day I pick an activity that feels right for the day. Rule 1 hour per day I […]
Hero Journey

No one likes uncertainty. Me neither. It bothers me that I don’t have control, that I can’t see around the corner, that I can’t influence what will happen. It causes internal discomfort, causes concern. What about that? We can best handle uncertainty by learning to function in it, by getting used to it, and by […]
My Life Journey

In 2005, I was 35, we were expecting our second child, and I quit my job. I didn’t know what I was about to do. I only knew that I had to gain control over where I was going. Without a plan, I plunged into the uncertainty of the unknown. My brave wife supported me, […]